Instruments for Science, 1800-1914: Scientific Trade Catalogs in Smithsonian Collections
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Standard Company Name: L.E. Knott Apparatus Company
Company Name: L.E. Knott Apparatus Company
Title: ACatalogue of Physical Instruments / Catalogue 17
Imprint: United States (Boston, MA: 1912)
Pagination and Size: 524 p.; 26 x 20 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; English
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: hydraulic presses, balances and slide rules
Notes: Item Number: 51733. Includes preface; index; directions and terms; prices.
Subject Area: Balances ; Physics ; Mathematical Instruments
Digital Availability: HTML Page

Standard Company Name: William Y. McAllister (Firm)
Company Name: William Y. McAllister
Title: APriced and Illustrated Catalogue of Mathematical Instruments / Of German Silver and Brass, Swiss Drawing Instruments
Imprint: United States (Philadelphia, PA: 1867)
Pagination and Size: 46 p.; 22 x 14 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; English
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: drawing instruments, protractors and calipers
Notes: Item Number: 51741. Includes contents; prices.
Subject Area: Mathematical Instruments ; Drawing Instruments
Digital Availability: HTML Page | PDF (Printer Friendly)

Standard Company Name: Frederick W. Simms
Company Name: Frederick W. Simms
Title: ATreatise on the Principal Mathematical Instruments / Employed in Surveying, Levelling, & Astronomy: explaining their Construction, Adjustments and use.
Imprint: United States (Baltimore, MD: 1844)
Pagination and Size: 150 p.; 23 x 15 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; English
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: theodolites, sextants and levels
Notes: Item Number: 51787. Includes prefaces; contents; appendix; tables.
Subject Area: Mathematical Instruments ; Surveying ; Astronomy
Digital Availability: No images currently available (about image availability)

Standard Company Name: George Adams
Company Name: George Adams
Title: ACatalogue of Mathematical, Optical, and Philosophical Instruments
Imprint: England (London: 179-)
Pagination and Size: 14 p.; 21 x 12 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; English
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: microscopes, globes and telescopes
Notes: Item Number: 51792. Includes prices; notice.
Subject Area: Natural History ; Mathematical Instruments ; Optics
Digital Availability: No images currently available (about image availability)

Standard Company Name: James W. Queen & Company
Company Name: James W. Queen & Co.
Title: Priced and illustrated catalogue and descriptive manual of mathematical instruments for drawing, surveying and civil engineering
Imprint: United States (Philadelphia, PA: 1868)
Pagination and Size: 112 p.; 23 x 14 cm
Material Type and Language: Trade catalogs; English
Instrument Types: Instruments represented: compasses, levels and drawing instruments
Notes: Item Number: 52535. Twenty-third edition; Includes notice; description of instruments; prices; description on use of instruments; description on repair of instruments; index.
Subject Area: Mathematical Instruments ; Drawing Instruments ; Surveying
Digital Availability: HTML Page